In Focus
Try being accommodating
Seafarers deserve a decent living environment, and shipowners will reap the benefit with a happy crew, argues regular columnist Bei Hong
How to beat the pirates

As the region becomes the global hotspot for piracy Sam Chambers identifies how best to combat the scourge
Playing Catch Up: Shipping and Social Media

Graeme Somerville-Ryan from Wikborg Rein on how to navigate the likes of Facebook and Twitter
Razor wire – injuring the crew it’s designed to protect

An article debating how best to secure your ship, contributed by GUARDIAN...
The shipping recovery that never arrived

Private equity and hedge funds are gambling on ship values and not the long-term revenue streams from operations, says Paul Slater...
Game changer or floating monuments of engineering prowess?

Kris Kosmala, VP APAC at Quintiq, ponders the merits of the giant new containerships...
Offshore spending will continue to grow

Standard Chartered analyst bullish on prospects for Asian oil capex...
Offshore’s bright future

Sam Chambers moderated a recent Offshore Business Breakfast, held in association with Standard Chartered Bank. Highlights of the discussion are carried below...
Data in real time key to savings

Eniram’s Captain Melvin Mathews looks at optimising fleet performance ...