Singapore: Japanese classification society ClassNK is launching a feasibility study for a new marine renewable energy testing facility to be built in Singapore. The announcement was made at the 2014 Asian Clean Energy Summit held in Singapore on 28-29 October 2014. The study will pave the way for the establishment of the world’s first marine renewable energy testing facility to be located in the tropics.
The new study will assess the feasibility of establishing a testing facility for 1/5-1/10 scale tidal wave generator systems in the waters off the coast of Singapore, including surveys of tidal forces, as well as environmental and operational viability assessments.
This work will be carried out by a consortium led by ClassNK and the Energy Research Institute at Nanyang Technical University, with support from other research institutes and consultants including the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC),
Denmark-based water and environment consultants DHI, and oil, gas and mining infrastructure development specialists Fugro. [31/10/14]