
Young Italian Shipowners visit Singapore

Young Italian Shipowners visit Singapore
Singapore: Over 90 guests attended a networking cocktail gathering earlier this week, organised by the Italian Club at Gaia Ristorante & Bar with the support of D’Amico group.
The event was held to host members of “Giovani Armatori”, the young shipowners' group of Confitarma, the Italian Shipowners' Association and for them to network with members of the Singapore Shipping Association’s Young Executive Group.
It was the first time for Giovani Armatori to visit Singapore, the idea being that Italy’s next generation of shipowners can learn about Singapore and its maritime industry. It was a busy week for the young guns, which included container terminal, MPA and a meeting with the top Professors of NTU, the university being a big supporter of Singapore’s maritime heritage.
Andrea Costantini, cfo of D’Amico Shipping Singapore, helped to facilitate the week and commented: “The visit is a good opportunity for the young shipowners to see first hand how the industry works in Singapore. Many Italian shipowners have been looking at establishing a presence here, and we expect to see a much larger presence in future. Italian owners plan their strategy carefully, and when they do commit to Singapore in future, expect to see a large presence and a long term presence.”
D'Amico established a shipowning entity in Singapore last December and plan to complete a 4 vessels fleet in 2015. [07/11/14]